3 best ways to Control your thoughts, Change your life. In 2020

Control your thoughts,  Change your life.

       You must be Thinking.that how can change life just by controlling thoughts?  So I would like to tell you that yes it is possible.  So now you will ask how this can happen.  Be careful, I am telling you.

 There are some people in the world who always worry about something.  When they are asked that why are you so upset, why are you so sad, then the answer is that what can I do, nothing good ever happens to me.  Nobody likes me  Nobody appreciates my work  Nothing good ever happens to me  They question God only, why did God make me such a mess?  Why did God make me so unworthy.

 But the other and those people are unable to control their rage, their ego, their greedy mind at all.  They get very angry very quickly.  They get angry at small things, they cannot control themselves.  They become happy and start dancing only after getting small success.  And they show pride to everyone about their temporary success.  Such people run away from their own responsibilities.  It is their first choice to transmit their responsibilities to others.  Such people do not accept their mistake as their mistake and make others responsible for their mistakes.

 Such people just think about themselves.  Instead of solving their problems, the pit stands by looking.  And wandering away from the challenges coming in the future.

 After reading all this, do you not have any question that why are these people like this, what is the reason?

 These people are such because they are unable to control their thoughts at all. They don't allow themselves to control their own mind or to control their own thoughts. That's why that's why they became some kind of losers.
                  Hope that you understand the importance of controlling your mind.

 Now What kind of steps you can use to control you own thoughts?

Here are some steps you can follow to control your thoughts.....

1. In first step be yourself and let know what actually you are like, what do you want to do what do you don't want to, what do you like and not, first give time to know yourself completely.

2. When you get sure that now you know yourself completely. You are become able to change yourself as you want. Now you have already known that what kind of thought that control you without your permission. Let that kind kind of thought finish and start thinking in new way.

3. Star doing exercises for one hour par day. I know everyone tell you to do it but you don't start to do it yet right. But Now as you are already started to think  in new way. Your brain automatically allow you to control your new thoughts.
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